The Joint Conference of ANCI
(Associazione Nazionale Comuni Italiani) passed the Decree implementing the
Climate Law, regulating the methods for designing the measures and the
resources allotment for the funding by the experimental programme for the creation
of urban and semi-urban forests in Metropolitan Cities. This concludes the iter
of approval of the implementing decree, which intends to organize the
reforestation process in big cities. Now it’s up to Metropolitan Cities to take
action in order to quickly start the realization of their reforestation
projects. A funding of 30 million euros (15 in 2020 and the same in 2021) is
available for the municipalities of the Metropolitan Cities that are subject to
Community infringement, because of the limits overrun related to nitrogen
dioxide emission and PM10 daily values. The Ministry has already published the
list of the municipalities belonging to the areas that are subject at least to
one of the infringement procedures in relation to air quality.
The grant ceiling for each project
presented by the Metropolitan Cities is 500 thousand euros and, among the
eligibility requirements, it is expected the commitment of ensuring a
maintenance plan for a period of at least 7 years and the eventual new planting
of trees that have not taken root before.
“We know that the
fight against climate change requires concrete actions and we are finally
putting this instrument in place - the Environment Minister Sergio Costa said –
which stimulates concrete projects that improve air quality in the Metropolitan
Cities, by absorbing carbon dioxide and by increasing, at the same time, beauty and quality of life”.
Within 120 days after
the signing of the decree, Metropolitan Cities can submit their projects which
will be verified and validated by the Environment Ministry within 90 days. In a
note, the ministry informs that the projects will receive – as an advance – the
20% of the amount applicable. This sum will be paid following the communication
at the start of work. A further part, equal to 50% of the total amount, will be
transferred to the Metropolitan Cities at the moment of the progress
presentation, which will certify the completion of at least half of the
financed action. Finally, the remaining 30% will be paid at the presentation of
the certificate of regular execution and testing document, with accounting,
billing, photographic documentation and copy of plant species’ certificates of
origin attached.