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"Vegetation: a challenge for air quality": information and considerations on the second project conference and networking event in Milan

On the 14th of December in Milan, in the suggestive location Cascina Cuccagna, the Veg-Gap conference and networking event were held. Due to the Covid 19 restrictions, the events gave the opportunity to the audience and speakers to participate both in presence and online.

The morning started with the institutional greetings from G.De Wilt of Dg-ENV of the European Commission and from C.Leonardi of the Italian Ministry of Ecological Transition who emphasized the importance of the work concerning the improvement of air quality and the fight against pollution for the quality of human health. They highlighted how these topics are the focus of present and future European and national policies.  After the opening addresses of P.Pellizzaro, project manager of the hosting partner, the Milan Municipality, the Veg Gap partnership presented the project’s progress of work in the pilot cities Bologna, Madrid and Milan.


In the afternoon, the networking event offered to various organizations the interesting chance to present the European projects in which they are involved and to share information about them. All the projects illustrated were related to air quality and/or urban vegetation topics: ENEA, Fondazione Cariplo and the projects UIA CLAIRO, Horizon2020 CLEVER Cities, LIFE PrepAir, Horizon2020 Connecting Nature and Horizon2020 URBANOME took part in the event.

VEG-GAP Project - LIFE18 PRE IT 003
Duration: December 2018 - May 2022
Total Budget: 1,666,667 Euro
European Financial Contribution: 1,000,000 Euro
Coordinated by Mihaela Mircea, ENEA (IT)