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Urban reforestation: 5 project funded by the Metropolitan City of Bologna

In the Bologna area, urban reforestation is making a decisive step forward thanks to the approval of funding of around 2 million euros by the Ministry of Ecological Transition (MITE).

Five projects are involved, in the municipalities of Bologna, Bentivoglio, Castenaso, Imola, Sala Bolognese, San Giovanni in Persiceto and Crevalcore, which the Metropolitan City had nominated last July.


The funding is part of an experimental programme launched by MITE for tree planting, replanting
and forestry and for the creation of urban and peri-urban forests in metropolitan cities for a total
investment of 15 million for 2020 and 18 million for 2021. The idea is to create real forests in order to provide an almost total tree cover, once the plants have reached maturity.

Funded Projects:

Bologna. The total area involved is 15 hectares (4.4 of which are dedicated to forestation), with 300 trees to be planted. The project will receive 280,000 euros.

Ciclovia del Sole. The project for the green corridor along the former Bologna-Verona railway will receive about 500,000 euros. Reforestation is planned for 15 km in the municipalities of Sala Bolognese, San Giovanni in Persiceto and Crevalcore; Anzola dell'Emilia and Sant'Agata Bolognese will also be affected. A total area of 14 hectares will be involved along the route, most of which will be transferred on a free loan basis by the Italian Railway Network to the Metropolitan City (4.4 of
which will be dedicated to reforestation), and 3,140 trees and shrubs will be planted.


Castenaso. A wooded area along the Idice torrent near Fiesso: the total area involved in the project is approximately 11 hectares (3 of which are dedicated to forestation), with the planting of 11,800 trees and shrubs. The project will receive 500,000 euro.


Imola. The project will involve the Autodromo forest near the Santerno river, the industrial area and the Bretella area: the total area involved is approximately 6 hectares (3.6 of which are dedicated to forestation), with the planting of 4,000 trees. It will receive funding of approximately 228,000 euros.

Bentivoglio. Woodlands and wooded meadows: the total area involved is approximately 4 hectares
(3.4 of which are dedicated to forestation), with the planting of 1,297 trees and shrubs. The project will receive 430,000 euro.

VEG-GAP Project - LIFE18 PRE IT 003
Duration: December 2018 - May 2022
Total Budget: 1,666,667 Euro
European Financial Contribution: 1,000,000 Euro
Coordinated by Mihaela Mircea, ENEA (IT)