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Bologna, the 4th VEG-GAP Technical Desk Officer and Monitor Visit

On 30 March 2022, the Technical Desk Officer and the Monitor Visit were hosted at the headquarters of the Metropolitan City of Bologna. The meeting was held in presence and all the project partners participated.

The visit represented an interesting opportunity to present the milestones and the deliverables of the project to Santiago Urquijo Zamora, Desk Officer and Marco Tosi, External Monitor from NEEMO. In particular, each partner showed the results achieved, related to the effects of vegetation on climate and air quality.

The keynote speakers were: Mihaela Mircea, Massimo D'Isidoro and Felicita Russo from ENEA, Sandro Finardi from ARIANET, Rafael Borge from UPM, Stefania Pasetti from MEEO, Silvano Fares from CREA, Valeria Stacchini from MCBO, Luis Tejerol from MAD, Ermes Ferrara and Stefano Bartolotta from CDM.

The results of Veg-Gap are available on the IT platform created by the partnership and show scientific evidence of vegetation effects on meteorology and air quality in three European cities: Milan, Madrid and Bologna.

An on-site visit to the center of Bologna was organized in the afternoon to understand the characteristics of the urban vegetation analysed by the air quality modelling systems. The group walked through the green areas, started from the Torre degli Asinelli, continued through Piazza Minghetti, Piazza Calderini, Monumental Tree, Orti di Orfeo, Giardini Margherita and finished at the Ex Staveco area.

Next events will be the Demonstrative Day in Rome (20 April 2022) and the Conference Day, Networking and Demonstrative Day in Madrid (28 and 29 April 2022). 

VEG-GAP Project - LIFE18 PRE IT 003
Duration: December 2018 - May 2022
Total Budget: 1,666,667 Euro
European Financial Contribution: 1,000,000 Euro
Coordinated by Mihaela Mircea, ENEA (IT)